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The Directorate of Human Resources in Sharjah publishes a Manual for the Performance Appraisal System on its website

02 April, 2019

The Directorate of Human Resources in Sharjah has recently launched the Manual for the system of appraisal of Sharjah government’s employees through its website www.dhr.gov.ae, in line with its efforts to enhance the government performance efficiency at the entities, departments and institutions of Sharjah government and to spread the culture of the performance appraisal which stimulates self-motivation for innovation, creativity and development.
Content of the Manual:
The Manual contains the phases of the Performance Appraisal System, starting with the planning phase during which individual targets are laid down as well as the main work responsibilities of the employee, and where the required behavioural competencies are determined, passing through the review phase that focuses on the targets and behavioural competencies achieved, the discussion and correction of challenges and the modification of targets and weights in order to achieve a better performance, up to the evaluation phase which relies on the documented achievements of the employee whose performance is appraised by his direct supervisor, while addressing the challenges faced thereby during the year and presenting suggestions for improvement thereof.
The Manual helps the employee to achieve efficiency and effectiveness by focusing on the main aspects of his work; providing him with guidance when determining his targets; by setting smart targets consistently with the objectives of his organisational unit and the strategic targets of his work. Many clarifications to this effect are elaborated therein in relation to the number and weights of the targets and levels of their appraisal.
It also contains the indicators of the behavioural competencies, that determine the mechanisms and modalities of achieving the employees’ targets and which were developed in conformity with the international standards and the System of Functional Discipline and Behavioural Competencies of Sharjah government.
The periodical review is also tackled within the Performance Appraisal System, and it includes coaching and follow-up by the direct supervisor, in addition to the appraisal results phase that includes recommendations and observations aimed at improving and developing the performance, before getting to the phase of the final results calculation.
The Manual determines the responsibilities and tasks of all the concerned parties at the government in order to guarantee full and comprehensive implementation, and illustrates the role of the Directorate of Human Resources, the Competent Authority including the chairman or director of the governmental entity, the department of support services, the direct supervisor, and employee.
The concept of interim form and appraisal following the completion of the probation period is also explained in the manual besides all the details regarding the plans aimed at addressing poor performance, grievances and many general provisions such as transfer, secondment, changing position or tasks and the appraisal of performance during approved leaves or in the case of joining the national service and other. The annual performance appraisal form is also presented.
The Directorate of Human Resources invited all employees of Sharjah government to visit its website and have a look at the manual which is now available and particularly placed at their disposal to ensure that all government employees benefit therefrom, have access to information and obtain all the answers to their questions regarding the annual performance appraisal.
Dr. Tariq bin Khadem: The Manual Contributes to the Stability of the Appraisal Process
H.E. Dr. Tariq Sultan bin Khadem, member of the Executive Council of the Emirate of Sharjah, Chairman of the Directorate of Human Resources, assured that the publication of the Manual aims at determining the roles entrusted to the employee and making him more aware of the significance and value of the works provided thereby, which raises his motivation level and enhances his productivity as well as the work quality and quantity.
He added that this guiding material aims at clarifying all the phases of the employees’ performance appraisal to reduce any confusion on their end and materialise the final picture of their appraisal principles and phases.
Dr. Tariq confirmed that the Directorate of Human Resources in Sharjah is concerned with raising job awareness with regards to the performance Appraisal System, formulating smart objectives and helping the employees to achieve commitment and job satisfaction, due to the fact that they are the number one investment in which the government is interested  and for which the latter dedicates all its efforts and financial resources, not to mention that they are the main driver of the efficiency and effectiveness of the governmental body characterised by its leadership at the State level.
In his opinion, making this information available on the Directorates’ website will contribute in spreading awareness and knowledge of the performance appraisal methodologies and unified systems used by Sharjah government entities and institutions, and in helping those entrusted with supervisory functions to get familiar with the components of appraisal, practice it in a professional manner and invest the results thereof in favour of work.
He added that this Manual complements the efforts of the Directorate of Human Resources to stabilize the appraisal process, noting that the Directorate is periodically holding many seminars to explain the Performance Appraisal System to the employees of support services at all the entities and institutions in all the cities and regions of the Emirate.